Community Blog

Salmon and Recommended Reading

HI AllTo have the most benefit out of a game of golf requires a good 7 hours of the day – driving to and from the golf club; playing 18 holes; a shower afterwards; followed by a few drinks with your playing 4 ball. I, therefore, try to ensure that I do not have the […]

Cyclone Alfred Brisbane

Hi All I flew over to Brisbane on Qantas last weekend for my annual visit to see my daughters and granddaughters. The young ladies and I were going to compete in a Sprint Triathlon for the first time together in the Sunshine Coast tomorrow Lo and behold, though, I was informed on arrival that the […]

Time out

Hi All Every now and then one needs to just stop for a moment and state to yourself “Time Out”. I’ve been training hard over the past few weeks, and we’ve been so busy over the last month advising our many Softrite Customers on the best way to summarise their 2024 payroll payments for all […]

Nyaradzo 32km Memorial Run

Hi All Long-distance running has always done it for me – I’ve probably run about 70,000 km in the last 50 + years of ultra marathons. It takes determination and true dedication to reach that stage where you are “talking” fit – that place where you can have an intellectual chat with similarly fit running mates […]

Softrite Farm Wages

Hi All Farming, here in Zimbabwe, is generally labour intensive with eager workers requiring skilful management backed up with an organised administration setup. Generally, when a farmer starts out, he just takes on a few locally based labourers to plough and plant the fields. He then sits down by his computer, at the end of […]

Small Bridge Triathlon

Hi All I’ve just returned from competing in the annual Small Bridge Triathlon. Small Bridge is a large lake situated at the start of the Eastern Highlands some 40km north of Mutare. This short drive takes one along steep, winding roads with good tar to an elevation of 1551 m – 330m above that of […]

Hellenic Bicycle Bus

1 x Grade 7 3 x Grade 6s 1 x Grade 2 3 x Parents 1 x Adult from Social Cycling Club Thanks for joining!

Pomona Art Wall

Hi All  Please bring your Company Gazebo along with a community-inspiring mindset to Pomona Art Wall next Tuesday at 9 am. A sponsor for drinking water and Pizza Snacks would be appreciated. Contact Sharon at +263 772 240 442. Set up before 8 am. We are very fortunate to have people in our community who go out of […]

Game & Hunt

Recommended Reading

Hi All Last Saturday evening I, along with about 100 others, was invited to a well-organised book launch at The Beach House in Harare. Well-known wildlife enthusiast, Jan Teede, had arranged for three very different books to be published by his printers in Cape Town. The three authors, Jan Teede, Kirsty Jean and Natalie de […]
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