Benji’s Fun Factory
Amusement Park for children with water slides etc. $5 for the whole day. 44 Harare Drive, Greystone Park. Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Sat-Sun 10am-6pm. 0773 237766, 04-886794.
Brain Train
A study skills programme teaching senior school pupils study and memorisation techniques. Will improve grades, reduce study time, help with concentration. Sat am during holidays. 7 Shortheath Rd, Chisipite. Brenda Bell 0772 601465, 04-496166, brenda@braintrain.co.zw.
French Movie
English subtitles 6pm Cinemalliance, Alliance Francaise, 328 Herbert Chitepo Ave. Every 1st Wed. 04-704801, 704795, info@afharare.co.zw.
Fun Park
Exhibition Park Harare Showgrounds. Sat & Sun 11am - 6pm. Fri: one hour free rides for any Zimbabwean Registered Charitable Organisation. 04-780963, 0772 411294.
The Garden Club
Come and learn to create and maintain a beautiful organic garden. www.thegardenclub.co.zw, Lindsay 0772 573489.
Kuimba Shiri Bird Santuary
A family day under the trees, overlooking Lake Chivero. Restaurant and bar open daily. Free-flying bird display daily. New restaurant & cocktail bar at the waterfront. 0772 990082, 0772 226635, birdpark@mweb.co.zw.
Raintree, bring your own food/drinks, sit by the river watching the bird life. Open from 11am every Sun, $5 per person. Fishing allowed on catch-and-release basis. 0772 333965, 0772 236864, raintree@zol.co.zw pottery lessons available, 6 week courses. Mon am and Thur pm. Please apply to Lee Sanderson for details 0712 212112.
The Scrap Stop supplies and lessons. Beginners/advanced, Mon - Fri. Bookings essential. Siobhan 0714 304664, 0772 412750, scrapstop@springs.co.zw.
Tamba Tamba
57 Princess Dr, Harare, 08677 101397, Mon-Sun 9am-5pm.
Trodat Rubber Stamps
55 Fife Ave, Harare, stamps@trodat.co.zw, 0773 625635.
Harare Riffle Range
Arcturus Road, Harare, (024) 2498135.