Hi All
School term starts again on Tuesday and that means it’s time for the next Social Bowls league that Scotty Fraser has set up at Highlands Sports Club. The whole idea is to introduce people (of all ages) to the sport in a fun way with participants able to smoke or drink whilst playing wearing casual attire.
Teams are made up of 4 players with just 2 of them having to play 3 wood pairs every Thursday between 5 pm and 7 pm. There is a competitive element, and scores are recorded concluding with a very social Saturday morning 9 weeks later where all 4 of you play against most of the other teams.
I’ve entered a team with 3 golfing mates, and we were out there after work last night with me (a newbie anyway) teaching my partners the basics – didn’t take long for them to start delivering their woods close to the white Jack (kitty). They are all raring to go and the challenge is out for “The Dreamlovers” – Bring it on!
Many golfers turned bowlers have remarked how similar bowls is to putting – slow backswing, no rushing and follow through – simple? Looking for something new to try your luck at? Enter a team or at least pop down to Highlands at 5 pm next Thursday for some inspiration. There are plenty of old bowls lying around in the clubhouse, so you don’t need to be concerned about equipment See you there next Thursday. Mike G