December is the Most Dangerous Month for Driving

Earlier sunset

It’s almost that time of the year again. The December holidays are just around the corner, and many people’s minds are already yearning for a well-deserved break. Thousands of holidaymakers will be travelling on Zimbabwe’s roads to ensure an enjoyable journey. We have some very important holiday travel safety tips. After daylight savings time ends, the sun sets earlier, impairing drivers’ vision while driving west. Drivers may be travelling more because of holiday shopping and gatherings and may be rushing to complete errands. Over 90% of road accidents are caused by human error and in some parts of the country, more fatalities are caused by distracted driving than by impaired driving. Texting while driving increases the risk of a collision by 23 times. Stress and emotions often go hand-in-hand with the holidays and driving angry, or while crying increases the risk of a crash by 10 times. Impaired driving has always been an issue during the holiday season.

Safe December Shopping And Driving Tips

As we are in the month of the special holiday shopping season, it is a good time to be especially careful while driving and shopping. It is a time when busy people become careless and vulnerable to both theft and accidents. Even though some other malls are generally safer than many big cities, we can never be too careful, too prepared or too aware.

Here are some tips to help you have a safe and happy December season:

  • Avoid driving alone or at night.
  • Keep all car doors locked and windows closed while in or out of your car. Set your alarm or use an anti-theft device.
  • If you must shop at night, park in a well-lighted area
  • Park as close as you can to your destination and take notice of where you parked.
  • Never leave your car unoccupied with the motor running or with children inside.
  • Do not leave packages or valuables on the seat of your car. If you must leave something in the car, lock it in the boot or glove compartment.
  • Be sure to locate your keys before going to your car.
  • Keep a secure hold on your purse, handbag and parcels. Do not put them down or on top of the car to open the door.
  • When approaching or leaving your vehicle, be aware of your surroundings.
  • Do not approach your car alone if there are suspicious people in the area. Ask mall or store security for an escort before leaving your shopping location.
  • Be especially careful when backing up in parking lots. People are easily distracted or children may run behind your car.
  • Drop Off Items at Home. If you’ve purchased a big-ticket item or if you’ve completed a big shopping trip and need to go somewhere else, make a detour home to drop off your purchases.
  • Even though you are rushed and thinking about a thousand things, stay alert to your surroundings.
  • Never drink and drive!


Practice defensive driving

Even if you follow every rule, there are many, many risks on the road beyond your control. Inexperienced drivers, drivers under the influence, drivers on the road illegally, and drivers who speed or drive without consideration for others are just some of them. Be alert, observe your surroundings, and think three steps ahead by anticipating the actions of the drivers around you.

We repeat: Arriving at your destination safely is always more important than getting there as quickly as possible. Rather enjoy the journey than stress about the time. It’s way more relaxing after all!

Preparing for a breakdown

However much you prepare, there’s always a chance that your car might leave you stranded. So it’s important to have a Drive Zimbabwe Roadside Assistance membership and be fully prepared for a breakdown: With so many different policies on the market, knowing which best suits your needs can be difficult. Of course, nobody can make this decision for you, but there are several factors you should consider when choosing a breakdown membership. Drive Zimbabwe Roadside Assistance provides a unique, comprehensive and competitively-priced emergency roadside assistance, towing and recovery service with seven levels of membership packages to suit all your needs and pockets. Call us or WhatsApp at 0780 579 261/0718 084 297 / 0736 523 424 Office+2638677160725

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