Hi All
Long-distance running has always done it for me – I’ve probably run about 70,000 km in the last 50 + years of ultra marathons. It takes determination and true dedication to reach that stage where you are “talking” fit – that place where you can have an intellectual chat with similarly fit running mates for the most part of a marathon.
Running teaches the committed how to be patient and how to break through the pain barrier. My oft-quoted mantra is “Next Year never comes!” – to remember that there is no guarantee that you will be able to compete next time around. No matter how much you are struggling to complete a tough race, the bottom line is that at least you are competing and, if you don’t hop into “the Bailers Bus”, you will, eventually, finish with a big smile on your face.
On Sunday morning, HAC held its annual 32km Memorial run from Old Georgians with over 1200 runners of all shapes and sizes competing in one of the 32,21,10 or 5km races. Once again, the HAC Committee put together a well-organised event with good sponsorship from Nyaradzo Funeral Services. A very unusual approach to the start had the Nyaradzo MC urging the competitors, for each event, into warming up with a dozen different stretching exercises as they awaited their turn to sprint off. Quite surprising that they all willingly joined in!
My good friend, Terry Walford, is one of those Veterans that I have swapped many a tale with, over the years, on those long, Comrades training runs. Terry joined me, at the start of the Memorial, to announce the Roll Call honouring 36 running mates who have sadly left us – brought back many fond memories for both of us.
In my mind there are two important rules that I try to follow in Marathon running – the first is to know when to train hard and when to take a break from being out on the road; the second is to spend good money on a top-of-the-range running shoe. With this in mind, I popped into Absolute Sport’s new shop in Paddington Square last week and bought myself a pair of Hoka Bondi 8 running shoes. They have excellent cushioning and are an absolute pleasure to run in.
I look forward to listening to your snippets whilst out on the run in the not-too-distant future. Email Tich hacsecretaryzim@gmail.com if you want to sponsor an event or just join HAC. Ciao Mike G.