Welcome to the Reps Theatre Newsletter
This newsletter only contains some of the activities
happening at 4 Maasdorp Avenue!
18 September 2023
Developments around the theatre
A UZ Media Studies student, Tanya has joined us an intern at the theatre, working in media and learning the technical aspects of productions as she has a passion for the theatre; Benefit Tanaka a Chinhoyi university Fine Arts student, is also interning with us, focussing on the creative side of art work in the form of portraits, design flyers and advertising and assisting in the creation of murals.
The Members Bar
Members are requested to ensure that all prospective members are proposed and seconded before forms are submitted to the office. The current bar hours are 1600hrs – 2230hrs from Tuesday to Friday and 1100hrs – 2300hrs on Saturdays and Sundays.
Recent and upcoming Reps Productions
Reps hosted the National One Act Play Festival after a 2-year hiatus. Although there were only two productions, one from Reps and one from Repteens, the evening was well received by the audience. Our sincere thanks to Maria Wilson for adjudicating the productions and for her very valuable feedback to the actors, director and writers. The following awards were presented:
Best Actress – Palesa Sigauke for her performance as Tanya in “Verses: Confessions: presented by the Repteens
Best Actor – Anele Billius Mhlanga for his performance as Joe in “Cocaine”, presented by Reps
Best Achievement – Repteens for “Verses: Confessions”
Best Director – Gavin Gordon, Reps for “Cocaine”
Special Mention Award – Tinotenda Taaziva, Repteens, writer of “Verses: Confessions”
Congratulations and thank you to everyone involved in the Festival. Let’s hope next year is bigger and better!
Last week saw a staged reading of “The Train Driver”, an A Level set work for 2023. Written by South African playwright Athol Fugard, the play revolves around the character of Roelf Visagie, a white train driver who is haunted by having killed a black woman and her baby who had stepped into the tracks in front of his train. Musawenkosi Saruro and Kevin Hanssen were superb in their roles as Simon and Roelf respectively and the production met with much acclaim! Thank you, Musa, Kevin and Ryan, our SM and lighting and sound operator, it was an honour and a privilege to work with you all.
What’s Happening at Reps later this month…
Zimtrade will be on mainstage from Monday 18th of September to Wednesday 20th September, filming the next season of “Eagles Nest”, our very own Zimbabwean version of “Shark Tank” and “Dragon’s Den” . Their only request is that there be no noise around the theatre. Fortunately for the rowdy darts bunch, it will be business as usual on Thursday night!
This September we will be hosting the 5th edition of the Mitambo Festival by the Zimbabwe Theatre Academy, and what a raucous affair that will be! Be sure to check out all Reps platforms for their shows. Some of which include Butterfly, A life in her day – Created and performed by Hilary Chaplain, Woza Albert – Featuring award winning actors; Hamilton Dhlamini and Thulani Mtsweni, Feather Conversations and many more! They will also have performers coming from all over the world, Spain, Switzerland, Bulawayo and the AS room!
Ticket prices are $10, but as a special to Reps Members, Mitambo is offering a 20% discount on any tickets purchased at The Spotlight, on presentation of your membership card.
We know the theatre has been a little quiet with regards to our own productions, but fear not, the panto is coming up! Auditions will be held on Saturday and Sunday 23-24 September from 2pm-4pm both days.

Reps Members News
We would like to ask all reps members who have old photographs and videos that were taken at Reps during a show to send them through to office@reps.co.zw
Repteens are up and running again for the new term, and the numbers are growing, which is great news for the future of theatre.
Be in the Know!
If you wish to be added to the REPS Events Whatsapp Group, please use this link – https://chat.whatsapp.com/L92TGDZ6Vce2hYIRfAW9yK
Follow us on social media – we are on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RepsTheatre and Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/repstheatre/
In case you did not already know, for enquiries you can email: office@reps.co.zw
We Need Your Help!!!
We are appealing for vinyl tiles and paint as we need to refurbish the toilets back-stage and our “Old Lady” (the theatre building) is in need of a bit of a makeover – she is after all, 63 years old now!
Bar & Social Events
Results of the bar draw, Friday 15 September:
Julie Khun
Membership number 4053
Not present, not won
The next draw is on Friday 22 September and goes up to $140 – remember you have to be on the premises to win it!
Rugby World Cup games are screened in the bar live – come and join us and cheer on your favourite team!!
This is your society and we look forward to seeing you soon – at a show, in the bar having a drink, watching the rugby, at the panto auditions – come and have some fun with us!!!