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To have the most benefit out of a game of golf requires a good 7 hours of the day – driving to and from the golf club; playing 18 holes; a shower afterwards; followed by a few drinks with your playing 4 ball. I, therefore, try to ensure that I do not have the same playing partners too often. Each new player has his or her own way of enjoying the outing and they all have different things to talk about. A few weeks ago, I played with a very interesting guy who hails from Northern Europe who spoke of the deep-sea fishing that he has done off the Scandinavian coast. He mentioned the growing number of fish farms, and stressed the growing concern for Salmon with widespread infestation of Salmon Louse (Lice) that attach themselves to the outer body of the salmon. 

I was in Joburg over the weekend looking for a different author to read. In my opinion, the bookshop, Books and Things, that has taken the place of CNA Books, now has the best presentation and selection of books in OR Tambo.

Just by coincidence, I bought an excellent book by Peter May – The Black Loch. The story revolves around the death of an attractive 18-year-old girl set in the Hebrides, situated in cold waters north of Scotland. Central to the whole plot are large cages off the Island’s nearby coast where salmon are bred in captivity in large numbers.

There are all sorts of unexpected twists and turns introducing the variety of characters one would expect to find in such a small community. The bigger picture, for author Peter May, is his message to the world on the downsides of intensive fish farming. He has obviously done a lot of research into how Salmon are affected by the Salmon Louse. It would be interesting to hear from any of our Bambazonke readers who are more knowledgeable on this topic. 

For instance, do we have a similar issue with Bream farming on Lake Kariba? Salmon is a much sought-after delicacy – I love thin slices of Salmon but find Salmon steaks a little too dry for my liking. 
 I stayed up all night reading this highly recommended book, The Black Loch. Always good too to have a subtle message along with the Whodunnit. Ciao Mike G.

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