Hi All
Farming, here in Zimbabwe, is generally labour intensive with eager workers requiring skilful management backed up with an organised administration setup.
Generally, when a farmer starts out, he just takes on a few locally based labourers to plough and plant the fields. He then sits down by his computer, at the end of the day, to set up a simple Excel spreadsheet with all his workers’ details so that he can work out what he will have to pay them at the end of the month. If he is one of those organised guys that likes to do things “by the book” he soon realises that his employees should be paying NSSA Contributions. He will probably have taken on a few senior staff that have been in the game for a few years. The latter will have only signed on knowing they would be paid a reasonable salary which in turn means that the farmer must add in a PAYE calculation to his Excel spreadsheet.
Then the rains come, and the pressure is on for extra labour leaving little time for updating the computer. Net result is that the spreadsheet is either handed over to the farmer’s wife or to a competent bookkeeper who must fiddle around with his Excel file to ensure its reliable continuity…. And then RTGS changes to ZIG….
Sound familiar to anyone out there?
Softrite has been dealing with farmers for over 40 years and have, thus, been witness to numerous different wage payment scenarios. We pride ourselves on relaxed, friendly support staff having good working relationships with all our payroll customers. Our payroll software package, Adaski, is currently being used by a diverse range of farmers all around Zimbabwe and we have competent employees based in Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru and Mutare. Adaski was designed using the KISS principle (Keep it Simple Stupid!). We’ve written the programs so that new users only need an hour or two to learn enough basics to be able to run their payroll.
One of our strong points is the fact that you can pay all staff using different combinations of US$ and ZIG all in one payroll with Adaski working out the percentage of NSSA or PAYE to be paid in each currency Why not contact our marketing lady, Stephanie in Harare, (stephanie@softrite.co.zw 0772-709-160) or Vicky in Bulawayo (vickyt@softrite.co.zw 0712-630-513) who will be only too please to assist you. We look forward to hearing from you soon.