Hi All

I have light-coloured curtains in my bedroom and I generally keep the windows all open at night – it’s been that way since an old cook of mine told me he did not need an alarm clock – he was woken up every day by the melodious tunes sung by some of the best bird life in the world.  

Today, Sunday, was one such day starting with the Heuglin Robins and Arrow Marked Babblers chirping outside at about 5am – I jumped up; made my bed; read my days motivation; and, then went out to sit on the verandah with my German Shepherds for some Mindfulness. There’s something special about just sitting listening to the silence of the early morning watching the ever-changing colours of the morning sun rising slowly over the distant mountains.

The best time to call my daughters is first thing on a Sunday morning – it always lifts my spirits to hear what my 2 girls and granddaughters have been up to far away in Australia. 

Today was the Pink Triathlon Day so I was soon packing my bike to head off to Mount Pleasant swimming pool to join a large crowd of families chivvying their progeny along in mini triathlons.  Tim Garrard had set up his music so that you walked into the arena to feet tapping sounds giving you the right vibe for competition. All in all, 156 participants competed in a variety of events – good to see bigger and better crowds arriving for these healthy happenings.

A well-organized event with Dulux sponsoring caps for all the competitors to buy for the cause. Debbie Jeans is one of the founders of the Pink Triathlon and she took the limelight once more welcoming the various sponsors led by ZimWorx

Exercise does something special for me especially when done early in the morning – something to do with “Endorphins?” – those chemicals the body releases to give one that “runner’s high”. Well, I’m hoping they stick around long enough to help me through this afternoon’s golf. Nomads are having their annual Charity Day event at Royal Harare Golf Club this afternoon with 200 participants doing their little bit for the community. Well done to Vice Captain Chaka Nzira for the funds they have raised for some worthy causes – yet again. The most notable is, of course, the second kombi that they have arranged for the Sunshine Zimbabwe Project

John Denver once sang a legendary tune – “Some days are Diamonds.”  Another special Sunday relaxing in Africa. Ciao Mike G.

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