10 events found.
Harare Sports Club Fixtures
Harare Sports Club Harare, ZimbabweHeat Wave Mid-Year Madness
Queen of Hearts Cafe 1 Hurworth Road, Highlands,, Harare, ZimbabweThe Ultimate Games Festival
The Nest at Thirty 30 Domboshava Road, Harare, ZimbabweEconet Vic Falls Marathon
Distance: 21km, 42km
Debbie Fleming Stretch/Fitness Classes
National Ballet Centre Belgravia, Harare, ZimbabweDebbie Fleming has stretch/fitness classes on Mondays 6.10-7.25pm at National Ballet Centre Belgravia. A great all over body work out. Open to males and females. Teens and up - no experience required. Call 0772303332 for all enquiries
Jan Clayton Flower Demonstartion
Larmenier Retirement Village 4 Ridgeway North Highlands, Harare, ZimbabweDrug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Networking Meeting
Highlands Presbyterian Church 112 Enterprise Road, Highlands, Harare, ZimbabwePlease join us for the Persons with Disabilities Network Meeting, saying "No!" to drugs. We look forward to this important information session.