Couple argue. There are a wide variety of driver distractions on our roads. These distractions are leading to many unnecessary road crashes and car insurance claims! Most reports on distracted driving nowadays address the risks of cellular conversations and texting while driving. Research has revealed that most motorists are much more scared of sharing the roads with other road users than 5 years ago. The habit of texting while driving is to blame for the increased concern – and this is especially prevalent amongst our young drivers!
There are however also many other driver distractions that we tend to forget. In the section Avoiding Driver Distractions on the Drive Zimbabwe Roadside Assistance FACEBOOK PAGE, we discuss both physical and mental distractions.
• Physical distractions
Physical distractions are actions the driver might perform, actions by his passengers or technology in the car – and also distractions outside the vehicle that could divert the attention of the driver away from safely driving the vehicle.
• Mental and emotional distractions
Mental and emotional distractions may cause a driver to be more aggressive and less tolerant of other drivers.
Research on feuds between couples inside their vehicles
Yesterday we came across fascinating results from research on the feuds between couples when they are driving. This provides greater insight into the possible dangers of mental and emotional distractions to safety on the roads.
We would like to quote some of the interesting findings from this research conducted by our Team:
• It has been shown it takes 22 minutes into a car journey for an argument to start and many couples spend the remainder of the journey in silence.
• One in ten motorists even admitted in our survey of 3 000 motorists, that their car arguments had been so bad, it led to separation.
Why do couples argue inside their vehicles?
• At 44%, the majority of couples had fallouts over directions and getting lost, while 37% of couples began the silent treatment after an argument over finding somewhere to park.
• Driving too quickly and driving too close to other cars were the next biggest causes at 34% and 24%, respectively.
• Backseat driving is the cause of one in five fights.
How do couples vent their anger?
• More than half of those surveyed admitted that they spent the rest of a car ride in silence after a fight.
• 71% of adults said they had argued with their partner about the way that they drive.
• One in five drivers pulled the car over and made their partner get out, while 19% said they got out of the car themselves and walked home.
• Some 22% said they won’t even drive with their partner in the car, simply refusing.
Conclusion and Advice
We have provided advice on the Drive Zimbabwe roadside Assistance Facebook… on how to avoid road rage. These suggestions are usually aimed at avoiding acts of aggression towards other road users. Perhaps it is also necessary to implement some of these measures to ensure that road rage is not instigated from within our vehicles!! We would like to urge passengers to avoid distractions that could reduce the driving ability of the driver. Do not instigate conflict that could take the attention of the driver away from the road. We need our drivers to remain vigilant, alert and with their attention focused on the road and their driving behaviour!!Quick check, have you told a friend or family member to sign up for the DRIVE ZIMBABWE ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE membership? We go beyond roadside assistance just for you. Get your hands on a DZRA 1-year membership now. Call us or WhatsApp at 0780 579 261/0718 084 297 / 0736 523 424 Office+2638677160725 You probably didn’t have it in your plans, and you might not be exactly thrilled to have to call a tow truck. But it does happen, and when it does, perhaps the first thing on your mind is how much it will cost. The second thing is how much it would cost to tow your car. It is every car owner’s worst nightmare to have a vehicle break down in the middle of a road trip or city errand. It’s even worse when there’s nothing you can do about it – either because you’re too busy to address it yourself or if you just don’t know how to. That’s where Drive Zimbabwe Roadside Assistance comes in handy! The world may be unpredictable, but our towing service is something you can always count on. If you get stranded on the side of the road DZRA is the ideal breakdown cover provider if you’re looking for a simple experience that won’t break the Bank.